Sunday, August 11

Our Lives Are Written In His Book

August 11, 2013 at 2:43am
John Pedersen

Our lives are written in His book,
Our days, ordained and planned,
Each thought, each deed, each word, each look,
Proceeding from His hand.

But what of sin? You say to me,
Of hurt, of heartache, sore?
Did God plan these, make these things be?
Bring all this from His store?

Oh yes, all things He has ordained,
He's penned before all time,
And yet by evil, He’s not stained,
Nor guilty of a crime.

The greatest sin was planned by Him,
The killing of His Son;
Before or after, there’s not been
A greater, no, not one.

Life’s Author mocked, betrayed, and killed
By hands of wicked men;
This, this crime, was by God willed;
This, authored, by His pen!

And this, by God, when Satan’s lust
Was slaked, and darkness fell,
This the day my sin-cursed life
Was saved, from Satan’s hell.

Here, the spotless Lamb of God,
Took all my sins away,
Here, His righteousness to laud,
The dragon He did slay.

On this day of murder, shame,
He wrote before the worlds,
He glorified His holy Name,
His righteousness, unfurled.

My life is written in His book,
My days ordained and planned,
Each thought, each deed, each word, each look,
Proceeding from His hand.


  1. I really needed to hear this. Thanks for posting it. :)

  2. moved onto your blog from my own. (next blog tag) so glad I did. May your life be richly blessed as you post the truths of our Lord!
