Saturday, December 12

Stuff Again!

I was flipping through TV channels this afternoon and I came to a PBS special on Marty Robbins so I tuned in, never dreaming that hearing some old country music would cause such a burst of grief. It was instant and brought such a flood of tearful memories, it was like opening a brand new door. My husband loved the old country music of artists such as Marty Robbins and never did take to the new country tunes…….”ah they’re really not country” he’d say. This journey of grief is so different than I ever imagined it would be; takes me by surprise often.

I really don’t like cold weather and whew, it has been cold. Below zero in the mornings but most of the snow melted today, thankfully!

I finally gave in and watched the movie “Twilight” and subsequently “New Moon’and I've read the books. There is quite a bit of controversy over the movies in Christendom and I’m not sure if that is just because it is about vampires and werewolves but I didn’t find them as horrible as most portray, it surprised me. The question seems to be… there idolatry involved for the young girls with these movies and what is so appealing to them? Is the only message they get from these movies a sinful message and how does that affect them? Since I can’t see into hearts I don’t really have an answer but I imagine since the heart is an idol factory there certainly could be idolatry.

Ideally speaking I can tell you that what it stirred in my female heart was the very essence of ‘protection’ that Edward wanted to provide and I don’t find that a sinful desire, actually it is a God given desire. I am a widow who has lost her protection (covering) and I feel very exposed and vulnerable most of the time. It was that which spoke to me. How it speaks to others I can’t really know but I think the fuss about the movies is just that, a fuss! We live in a sinful world and everything is tainted but for believers God uses all things to work for our good, right? Maybe the young girls can be taught something by their mothers as they watch the movie together. :) Oh yeah, I remember swooning over Clark Gable in “Gone with the Wind’ and that kind of dates me doesn’t it?

Grace and Peace!

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