Tuesday, March 14


I need to take a 'hiatus' from blogging as I have some major decisions to make and I must make them by faith. I musn't run ahead of the Lord in haste (as is my propensity to do sometimes), and so I need to spend my time instead in prayer and in scripture, waiting upon the Lord.

May the Lord richly bless you!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Eileen, my friend,

    I have deleted my blog, you can delete the link off your side bar as it leads to to an empty spot now. Sorry to have put you out.

    I will be studying at Monergism.com mostly and of course my Bible and all the books I have, but I will be refraining from forums and blogs for the time being and even maybe for good but will pop in now and then to see how you are and if you are continuing your blog.

    I am not well mentally due to serious head injuries when I was younger and probably through excess booze and illicit drugs as well and take meds and each day is a real struggle for me and it seems to be getting slowly worse. I do believe I am being transformed by the renewing of the mind through the Word of God but my physical brain and body are not. My wife Anne is a real blessing from God to me and is actually my full-time carer. We are on the invalids pension here in NZ as I am unable to work at the moment. I had a breakdown in Australia and ended up a sobbing mess curled up in a ball on the floor. We went from having our own home and business to losing it all yet God has look after us through it all. I don't fully understand this path I am on and why God has brought me this way but I do know His sovereign love and care for us.

    For me, all the wickedness and evil that goes on all around us is too much for me to comprehend and nearly drives me insane and worst of all, is the false teaching that is in the professing church.

    I know I was really evil and wicked, riddled with sin but I also know without a doubt God plucked me out of the miry pit and set me upon the Rock. I know I am totally undeserving of God's grace and love and mercy yet for reasons only fully known by God He chose me in Christ before the very foundations of the world, where He made that decision within His own mind, in timeless eternity. Something I am eternally grateful for. God lead me to the edge of the abyss and I peered in and all I saw was blackness and flames and as I teetered there on the very edge of the abyss, my arms whirling trying to stop myself plunging in, God snatched me back. I have never been the same since. That happened 25 years ago, but seems like yesterday.

    Thankyou for your loving kind encouraging comments on my blog, they are in my mind and heart forever. Please pray for me as I come to mind as I will for you also. Thanks.

    I hope I have been a blessing for you. Keep up your writings, God has gifted you with a special gift and be bold and courageous in Jesus Christ and preach every oppurtunity you get, whenever and wherever you get it. K?

    God bless


    Douglas Johnson
    Christchurch(the garden city)
    New Zealand

    soli Deo gloria(to God alone be the glory)


    There is nothing too trivial

    (Octavius Winslow)

    "And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered." Matthew 10:30

    Christ thus teaches us that our Heavenly Father takes cognizance of the minutest events and circumstances of our individual history; and that there is nothing too trivial or common to be beneath His interest and control.

    And thus, although the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain Him, yet He seeks a dwelling place amid the sighs and groans and desires of a humble, broken, and contrite heart.

    And all the interests of that heart; its . . .
    faintest desire,
    gentlest sigh,
    softest prayer,
    are entwined with the purposes, thoughts,
    and affections of His heart.

    Our heavenly Father is concerned with the most infinitesimal event and incident of our history!

    "And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered." Matthew 10:30


    A Treasury of Ageless Sovereign
    Grace Devotional Writings

    Our Purpose
    To humble the pride of man,
    to exalt the grace of God in salvation and to promote real holiness in heart and life.
