Monday, October 10

Rainy Days and Mondays!

It's a holiday for me, banks are closed on Columbus day and it's Monday and it's rainy as well. We need the rain so I never, never complain about moisture in Colorado. It will be a grand opportunity to do what I really like to do the best.....stay home! See, then I can read, work on the computer, fix a good lunch for my husband (who is housebound) and do basically what I want to do. That is a rare occurance for a working woman!

I'm currently reading "Righteous by Faith Alone" by Herman Hoeksema and it is truly a wonderful read. It is actually a Devotional Commentary on Romans taken from sermons that he preached and so it is simple. I love it!!! I also have waiting in the wings several books by Vincent Cheung and his reads aren't simple, however they are good. I don't agree with everything he writes but I glean much from what I do agree with.

Hope your day is as good as mine is turning out to be.

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